Wednesday, April 29, 2015


ERIC WHITACRE - "WOW! Just loved this (“irrational exuberance”), Bruce! And "Send Me Anywhere" is absolutely gorgeous - I'd love to hear this live."

DAVE KOZ - On "irrational exuberance," "First of all, great title! What a lovely piece of music—just beautiful, Bruce. So thematic, and it really has a great flow of ideas that all work together so well." Dave Koz

DAN HIGGINS - "I love your piece. Nice to know that someone is out there still writing for the alto sax." Dan Higgins

AARON COPLAND - "An impression of musicality which is very pleasant, indeed...a convincing sense of an overall mood... knows what he wants ... sure of what he's doing."

JOHN CORIGLIANO - "EVENT HORIZON is wonderful...a terrific sense of the orchestra."

HUGO FRIEDHOFER - “I hear a bit of the Viennese in that boy, and I refer of course to both the First and Second Viennese Schools.”

EARLE HAGEN - “Bruce Babcock is knowledgeable, studied, and in command of his art. He is an exceptional composer, orchestrator and arranger.”

LALO SCHRIFIN - “It was an Argentinian poet that said, "Genius is the one who knows how to select his influences." You have very well selected your influences.”

ANGELA LANSBURY - “I am enormously grateful for your work on "Murder, She Wrote" and feel it made an enormous difference to so many of our shows.”

THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE - "Settings of three Rilke poems... evoked poetic colors rare for the philosophical changes of the life journey."

THE LOS ANGELES TIMES - "The lyrical "SOLILOQUY" by Bruce Babcock (composed for James Galway) received a relaxed rendition from Lisa Edelstein"

THE SANTA BARBARA NEWS PRESS - "Mr. Babcock's TRIO (for clarinet, viola and piano, 2003) featured a multitude of original ideas matched by a keen sensitivity to the color and character of his chosen instruments. Listeners rejoiced in the perky, quirky spirit of this superbly crafted piece."

THE SANTA BARBARA INDEPENDENT - "Babcock has a unique and very pleasant voice."

THE KANSAS CITY TIMES - Haunting strings, sharply syncopating brass and rattling percussion...created a tense modernistic excitement.